If you are in the process of coming to terms with a major change in your life, I am here to help you.

Your strengths are real but can sometimes be hard to recognize, or access.

I'll be there with you as you take each step, make each decision, and integrate each change along the way.

I began my career in health and social services in 1986 and received both my master’s degree and doctorate in social work from Portland State University in Portland OR, where I have practiced for over 35 years. I am passionate about working with people experiencing or contemplating major life changes due to health, relationship or professional challenges because these times in a person’s life offer the opportunity to grow in ways that few other things do. Many of my clients come to me feeling disoriented, overwhelmed by uncertainty, fear, and sorrow, and facing decisions in the context of the loss of the familiar. My approach is to support personal agency regarding these changes and to identify, enhance and utilize a client’s strengths as they plan and navigate change.

I am experienced in and engage a variety of therapeutic approaches to explore the experience and meaning, as well as the challenges and opportunities, present in major the changes that clients are experiencing. In session, I focus on grounding tools to develop and utilize strategies to calm and ground clients in the present, while imagining and realizing a future when they will feel stable, healed and whole.

I strive to create a warm and welcoming and safe space for clients to explore their history and life story with openness and curiosity. I supports and guide clients in exploring how their life experience, skills, strengths and insights can be brought to bear on their current situation so as to find and move authentically and positively forward.